One Tired Chica!

Matt, Sumner, Selah, Ira and I went scouting out estate sales the past two weekends. We finally found some great stuff on Saturday. It was a longer day than we had anticipated, and the kids didn't get their daily naps. This is Selah on the way home. Ira was right next to her nodding off.
I'll have to take some pictures of the treasures we brought home. Matt did some wheeling and dealing and we came home pretty happy.


enickel said…
What a sweet little girl. Does she have a sunburn? How hot is it there? Marshall was just looking at your blog and was saying how much fun we will have with you guys this summer. We can't wait!
Heather said…
It was just a hot day. She got a little sun. It is hot and muggy here. The swimming pool opens tomorrow!

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