
Showing posts from March, 2009

Three of the Girls

Aren't they cute?? All three of these girls are training for the Peachtree Jr. Road Race that will be held on May 30th. It is a two mile run. Today was their first practice. Emma ran it last year and we all had fun cheering and rooting her on! I am very proud of them. They are such hard workers...when they want to be!
Selah wanted to join the fun.

Dare Devil Ira

Ira found a new way to ride his four wheeler. Steer with one hand, push the gas with the other, stick out your tongue, and just lay there. He didn't know I was taking a picture here as he was speeding around the court.

Love you pop!

Everyone except Emma posed for papa since he is away on business. We all miss him and can't wait for him to come home. He had some fun today taking a tour of London on a double decker bus. He was on the roof in the open air. He said they had a lot of fun. Tomorrow the work begins!

Primary Activity...

Brower, Ira, and Savannah waiting for the primary activity to begin. Savannah, always the poser. At the end of this activity each child got to bring home a live gold fish. Since I have five children in the primary, guess how many are in our fish bowl? Wrong, they gave us extra because by the time Ira got to the front of the line, there were only two fish to a bag left. It's a good thing too. By the time we got home one of the fish was already dead!

Yes, I'm pregnant!

Matt managed to get me to pose for a picture. I guess it's always nice to have a before and after shot. This is me 40 pounds heavier than I started out. Luckily Matt cropped the shot where he did! Only a few weeks to go and I'll get to hold the little maniac. He kicks me like crazy and is already 5.9lbs as of yesterday. He sitting low, head down and in position. Not comfortable, but definitely worth it!

Muscle Man!

Papa decided to get Brower his first Under Armour shirt for his birthday. Since that is ALL that Papa wears, naturally Brower feels like he is the strongest boy ever wearing them. As Brower would say, "Look at these pipes!!!"

What a good brother!

Ira and Selah spend all day together while the other children are at school. They really love each other. I'm conflicted whether I should put Ira in preschool next year or keep him home. He's not going to be in kindergarten for two more years. But, I do have the baby coming soon. He needs a little time to be social with the world. Selah will be lonely though!


Abba and Abby sent Heely's. He was lovin' them in his underwear. He needs to put some meat on those bones!

Having fun on the court

Everyone loves to come over and play in our backyard. This night was Brower's birthday, so off limits to the neighbors while we celebrated.


Here's Ira loving the cold. We haven't had a flake of snow all winter. Now that it's March, it finally got cold enough, after 2 days of constant rain, to snow. The children took advantage of it and had a blast playing with their friends all day. It should be gone by tomorrow, but one day is all they needed to tide them over until next year.

Emma having fun

Emma was in charge of taking pictures. Most of the one's she took were of people's back sides, so I have very few to choose from. It's a beautiful day and there is our house and cute little truck in the back ground.

Eliza, freezing her face off

Eliza came in a little early because her little body couldn't handle the cold. She has very little on her bones to keep her warm!!!

Savannah chillin' on the truck



Selah and Ira spend sunny days in the backyard playing on the basketball court. They have a fun time together.

Tough Girl

Our neighbor gave us this four wheeler for Ira. Selah loves it and climbs on it every chance she gets.

Our little cutie...

Selah isn't even 18 months old yet, but she is growing like crazy. Look at those feet!