Wonderful, Exciting, Exhausting, and sooo Worth It!

Now that Selah is 11 months old I am feeling so good!
I have been asked to post on my blog "how I do it after having had six children."
First, I am very blessed with parent's who passed on some genes that have been immensely helpful.
Second, I am always moving. There is never a dull moment. Even when there aren't any children around there are things waiting for me. There's laundry...ALWAYS LAUNDRY! And everything else around the house that needs to be tended to on a daily basis.
It helps that my "outlet" is going to the gym. Working out helps me to relax. It also gives me an hour alone just to concentrate on me. That's about my only hour in the day for that!
I do have a nasty sweet tooth, but for the most part, I love healthy, real food. My favorite things are homemade. I will go days without eating the cookies in my pantry because they were bought from the grocery store. I will wait to eat the real thing when I have time to bake it myself. After I bake them I freeze them and take them out one by one so they stay good longer, and I don't eat five at a time (usually!). I eat less if I take them out to thaw one at a time.
I don't usually have much junk food at the house.
Six children does seem like an overwhelming number. The key to our sanity is organization. We have a schedule and plan for just about everything.
It helps too, that I'm not alone. There have been so many times when I have fallen short and the spirit will whisper something in my ear. Or angels will be here to protect the children when I fall short. What a comfort it is to know that I am never alone.
Matt and I have always felt good about the number six for our family. We talked about that even before we were married. Maybe it felt right because both our parent's had six children and it was comfortable. It's almost too much to handle, but not quite. It's perfect....for us!!


Libby said…
oh that little girl just keeps getting cuter and cuter!! love the hair! you are superwoman bc i am not sure how many more kids i can handle!
Heather said…
One at a time Libby. Every time I had a baby I thought I was going to go crazy. That passes eventually.
Don't think too far ahead and you will be fine!
enickel said…
You are my workout idol. And you are better with the healthy food then me. I like to work out, but I also love to eat. I guess the combination could be worse.
Elizabeth C said…
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Angela said…
Oops, sorry about that. I was trying to say that I absolutely loved your post! Thanks for sharing! I'm like Erika, I love to workout but I love goodies too! :) You are amazing!

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